Why Does My Wrist Hurt

Why does my wrist hurt so much after I get off work?

August 2nd, 2021

Since many of the tasks that we perform at work require the use of our hands, wrist pain can make doing our job painful. When your wrist hurts, even simple tasks can become uncomfortable. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore wrist pain when you experience it. There are several different conditions that can cause wrist pain. 

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Burning Pain in Wrist

Three causes of burning pain in the wrist

February 2nd, 2021

Typing out your daily emails, and turning doorknobs. These are just two examples of activities you perform with your wrists every day. Unfortunately, burning pain in your wrists can make doing even these simple daily tasks a real trial.  There are far more people dealing with wrist pain than you might think. Medical researchers estimated

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Pain on Outside of Wrist

What can I do about pain on the outside of my wrist?

December 12th, 2020

There are many steps you can take to deal with pain on the outside of your wrist. But which steps you take depends on what is causing your pain. This sort of pain is also known as ulnar wrist pain, and wrist pain is a common issue that many people deal with. One study found

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