Degenerative disc disease in the neck: Basic information

Degenerative Disc Disease in the Neck

Neck pain can be caused by many issues in Warrenton, Missouri. For example, you could have strained muscles in your neck from a car accident or sports injury. In other cases, the pain you feel could be a result of a progressive medical condition, and one such condition is degenerative disc disease in the neck.

What is degenerative disc disease?

There are six discs located between the vertebrae of your neck, and each of these discs is made up of an outer shell of collagen fibers and an inner layer of mucoprotein gel. The discs are there to provide cushioning and stop the vertebrae from rubbing together when you move your neck. As people age, their discs naturally start to lose the water that helps keep them flexible. The loss of water also causes the discs to wear thin, and this makes them more susceptible to tears and other injuries. 

What are some symptoms of degenerative disc disease in the neck?

The wearing and thinning that occurs with degenerative disc disease in the neck can cause many different symptoms. One common symptom of this issue is pain in the neck. In some cases, the pain of this condition feels like the ache of a stiff neck, but it can also feel like it’s running through your arms and into your hands and fingers. When this happens, the pain could be described as having a sharp or burning quality. Also, degenerative disc disease pain tends to get worse with movement, and it tends to subside when you allow your neck to rest. 

There are also several neurological symptoms that go along with neck-based degenerative disc disease. These symptoms include feelings of numbness, tingling or pin-and-needles sensations, and like your pain, you may feel these symptoms in your neck, shoulder, arm or hand. The neurological symptoms of this condition can also make it harder to grasp objects or do other routine activities with your hands and arms. 

Are some people at greater risk of developing degenerative disc disease in the neck?

As mentioned above, almost everyone develops degenerative disc disease in the neck as a result of aging. However, there are some people who could be at greater risk of developing this condition earlier in life. There is evidence that some people may be genetically predisposed to this issue. People who are obese are also at greater risk for early development because more weight leads to increased wear on the discs. In addition, smoking has been shown to stop the discs from getting key nutrients, and without them, the discs tend to dry out more quickly. This means that smokers could start feeling degenerative disc disease symptoms earlier than nonsmokers. 

Get help with degenerative disc disease in the neck at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy in Warrenton, MO

If you’re living in or around Warrenton, you may not know where to turn for help with your degenerative disc disease in the neck. That’s why Excel Sports & Physical Therapy wants you to know about our Warrenton clinic. At this clinic, we offer free screenings to help people find out what condition they’re dealing with. Our team can then create an individualized treatment plan, which uses multiple therapy methods intended to reduce your symptoms, such as: 

Are you ready to get our help with your neck-based degenerative disc disease? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.