Do you know what to expect from virtual physical therapy?

What to Expect From virtual physical therapy

There are many things people are expecting during the COVID-19 outbreak. Scarcity of toilet paper and other home goods. Social distancing. Work difficulties. However, some people are also expecting to not be able to get the physical therapy they need. 

It’s true that many therapy practices are cautioning patients about coming to therapy because of COVID-19. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get therapy at all. We are offering virtual care services in addition to in-clinic visits so our team can continue to treat your aches and pains if you need to remain in your home. 

Three things you can expect from virtual physical therapy

Telemedicine services are performed over a live video conference. When physical therapy services are being provided, it’s called virtual physical therapy. They can also be called remote physical therapy. 

In many cases, people don’t know what to expect from virtual physical therapy. If that includes you, here are three things you can expect from your virtual physical therapy session: 

  1. Needing a quiet, clutter-free space — Many therapists will ask you to do therapeutic exercises and stretches during virtual physical therapy. To do them, you’ll need a space that’s relatively open. It should also be free of objects that can cause you to trip and fall. The space you choose should also have good lighting. Additionally, a quiet space is preferable for virtual physical therapy since it allows you to hear your therapist better. 
  1. Exchanging questions with your physical therapist — Questions are one way that physical therapists evaluate your condition. They’re even more important in virtual physical therapy sessions since the therapist can’t do a physical exam. Your specialist might ask you questions about the severity of your symptoms. They might also ask for information about movements that make your symptoms better or worse. However, it’s important that you also ask questions of your physical therapist. This can help you better understand your condition; it can help you feel more comfortable with the treatment they recommend as well. 
  1. Personalized treatment — During an in-clinic treatment session, we always personalize our treatments to each patient’s needs. The same goes for virtual physical therapy. During virtual physical therapy, we’ll assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment to help you reach your recovery goals.  

Curious about what else to expect from virtual physical therapy? Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can help

You might be wondering what else to expect if you’re considering virtual physical therapy. Our Excel Sports & Physical Therapy is here to help. We’re offering virtual physical therapy sessions that help with: 

Are you ready to try virtual physical therapy for your injury or medical condition? Contact our team for more information about virtual physical therapy today or to schedule an initial virtual appointment.