Reduce chronic pain and inflammation through better nutrition


Arthritis. Fibromyalgia. Poor posture. There are far too many issues that can lead to chronic inflammation and pain. However, you might not have considered that what you eat can either increase or reduce these symptoms. 

Don’t think you need to worry about this? Think again! It’s reported that about 125 million Americans are living with an issue that causes chronic pain and inflammation. Physical therapists can help you find ways to reduce chronic pain and inflammation. One effective option is to change what foods you’re eating. 

What foods and nutrition practices can help reduce inflammation and pain?

One option that can help reduce chronic pain and inflammation is to stop eating the foods most associated with it. Unfortunately, for many people, these foods tend to be convenience items like microwave meals. That means that you may need to readjust how you think about preparing meals and snacks in your quest for pain relief.

Many “bad guys” in the food world have easy alternatives. Substitute white bread with whole-grain bread, white rice with brown rice, and semolina pasta with wheat or garbanzo pasta. In place of hamburger, chops and meatloaf, focus on fish, chicken and veggie “steaks.”

Other foods that can help fight inflammation and the pain it causes include: 

  • Grilled, roasted or steamed foods
  • Olive oil
  • Turmeric
  • Green veggies (kale, broccoli)
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes)
  • Raw nuts and seeds
  • Ginger

Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can help reduce your inflammation and pain

Long-term pain relief can rarely be achieved with diet alone. Our physical therapists at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can help you find physical therapy that works with your dietary changes. Together, these changes address the inflammation that’s causing stiffness and discomfort. 

We’ll start by performing a free screening on you to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. Then, our physical therapists will build you a personalized therapy plan designed to decrease chronic inflammation and other symptoms. We even offer virtual care and at-home therapy services that allow you to get our help from home. 

Don’t wait to start getting our help with your inflammation and pain. Contact our team today for more information about how we can assist you or to schedule a free screening.