What to expect from torn rotator cuff treatment in Saint Peters, MO

treating rotator cuff tears

It’s difficult to live your daily life when your shoulder is stiff and in pain. A number of conditions and injuries can affect your shoulder. Often, the cause of shoulder pain is a torn rotator cuff.

The rotator cuff is a collection of muscles and tissue that hold the ball of your shoulder joint in the socket. They also operate together to provide movement for your arm. When the rotator cuff is injured, you can lose the use of not only your shoulder but much of the rest of your arm.

Treatments for torn rotator cuffs vary depending on the severity of the tear. Extreme tears may require surgery for treatment. However, most people are able to recover with the help of a physical therapist. 

The four stages of torn rotator cuff treatment

Physical therapists have different methods for torn rotator cuffs. The methods a physical therapist will use in your personal treatment depend on the severity of your tear and other factors like age, weight and medical history. 

Regardless of which methods are used, you can generally expect your torn rotator cuff treatment to take place in four stages: 

  1. Protection — In this first stage, the tear is still fresh and is vulnerable to further injury and harm if it’s not treated with care. You’ll likely have to wear a sling for the majority of your days in this stage. Physical therapists may treat your pain using manual therapy techniques and massage at this stage.  
  2. Moderate treatment — At this stage, the tissue has started to heal and is ready for additional treatments to manual therapy. At this point, your physical therapist may guide you through therapeutic exercises to help improve your strength and range of motion.  
  3. Increase in physical activity — By this point, the muscles and tissue have healed more than halfway. However, the shoulder is still vulnerable to harm, so your treatment won’t push you too hard. Your physical therapist may begin using more advanced exercises at this point, but you’ll still avoid using your shoulder for a lot of physical activity.  
  4. Recovery — Once your muscles and tissue have fully healed, you can freely use your shoulder again in physical activities. Your physical therapist may recommend some stretches and exercises to help keep your shoulder fit and avoid a future rotator cuff tear. 

Visit Excel Sports & Physical Therapy in Saint Peters, MO, for torn rotator cuff treatment

Have you recently lost the ability to use your shoulder due to a rotator cuff tear? Regardless of whether you need surgery for treatment, physical therapy can help. Our team at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy in Saint Peters, Missouri, can help you build the strength and flexibility in your shoulder after a rotator cuff tear or while recovering from shoulder surgery. Contact our team today for more information about treating rotator cuff tears or to schedule an initial appointment.