Forced Back to Work After Injury

Top 4 ways physical therapists can help if you’re forcing yourself back to work after an injury

December 27th, 2021

A work injury can happen to anyone who does just about any kind of work. Even sitting at a desk all day could lead to some type of injury. This is evident from the 2.7 million work injuries and illnesses that occurred in 2020.  Yet not every injured worker may feel they can stay out

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Upper Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades

Top 3 reasons you’re feeling upper back pain between your shoulder blades

December 20th, 2021

Most people have heard of or even felt lower back pain, but there are other types of back pain you might develop, too. People who are feeling upper back pain located between their shoulder blades are well aware of that.  The upper back pain that you’re feeling between your shoulder blades has a specific name.

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Lower Back and Knee Pain

How can physical therapists help treat my lower back and knee pain?

December 13th, 2021

Lower back pain and knee pain are both very common. One medical study reports that 25% of U.S. adults surveyed had lower back pain in the past three months. Another study found that about 25% of adults experience frequent knee pain.  Having either type of pain is bad enough, but some people have the misfortune

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