Does your business need a workers’ compensation insurance certificate to send injured workers to PT?

Workers' Compensation Insurance Certificate

Depending on your business state, you may need a workers’ compensation insurance certificate to send injured workers to physical therapy. You will have to research your state’s workers’ compensation laws to know for sure.

What is a workers’ compensation insurance certificate?

A workers’ compensation insurance certificate proves that you have workers’ comp. Though most people call it a “certificate,” it’s an insurance policy. You might also see it referred to as a workers’ compensation insurance policy or a workers’ comp policy. If you have an employee who has been injured at work, physical therapy can be beneficial in helping them recover and be able to return to work.

Physical therapy techniques that can address work injuries

Your employee may be able to receive physical therapy as part of their workers’ comp benefits if they were injured on the job. Here are a few treatments that can help with their recovery:

  • Manual therapy — This involves a physical therapist using hands-on techniques, including skilled hand movements and manipulation, to help reduce pain and improve range of motion. Manual therapy techniques can be used to treat many types of injuries.
  • Therapeutic exercise — Exercise is another crucial component of rehabilitation. Therapeutic exercise plans are designed to restore normal strength, range of motion, and function after an injury or surgery. Therapeutic exercises may be performed with or without equipment and can include stretching, strengthening, balance and coordination exercises. 
  • Balance trainingBalance training can help improve balance, which is essential for preventing falls that can lead to fractures, strains and other work injuries. These programs are tailored to each patient based on their needs to restore normal balance while avoiding falls.

Physical therapy techniques like these work by focusing on several factors. PT focuses on improving the function of the muscles, joints and other structures in the body’s musculoskeletal system. Physical therapy also focuses on easing the pain experienced when dealing with a workplace injury. Physical therapists want to help patients return to their functional working state as soon as possible.

Excel PT is here to help if your employee has been injured on the job

If your employee has been hurt in the workplace, contact us. Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can provide one-on-one consultation and a complete evaluation. Our physical therapists are highly trained and committed to your employee’s recovery and safe return to work.