Five questions to ask about ACL injuries

Five ACL Injury Questions

Any injury recovery period can be a confusing time. However, recovering from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can be especially confusing. Luckily, there are five questions you should ask about ACL injuries that may help reduce your confusion.

Our Excel Sports & Physical Therapy team is highly-qualified to help patients with many types of injuries. After all, we’ve been helping residents of the greater St. Louis area with various injuries and medical conditions since 1984. One important lesson this experience has taught us is that education is a vital part of physical therapy. In fact, we’ve found that a greater understanding of your injury and the therapies we use to treat it helps our patients. For instance, there are five questions we encourage you to ask your therapist about ACL injuries.

Five important ACL injury questions you should ask our therapists

Since education is critical to the therapy process, our Excel Sports & Physical Therapy team offers five ACL injury questions you should ask our therapists. However, we’re aware these questions are dependent on you knowing what the ACL is and how it may be injured.

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a structure found in each of your knees. The job of this ligament is simple. It helps hold the upper leg bone, or femur, and one of the lower leg bones, the tibia, together in your knees. The ACL shares this job with three other ligaments, and together, these ligaments allow the knee to bend.

There are many ways that your ACL can be injured. For instance, you can injure this ligament playing sports. People who play football or rugby often take hard impacts to the knees that can injure the ACL. The sudden stops and changes of direction in sports like basketball or soccer can also cause ACL injuries. Your ACL can even be injured from car accidents, falls at work and poor posture while walking or running.

Once you know your ACL has been injured, there are certain questions we encourage you to ask our therapy team, including:

  1. What symptoms should I be looking for?
  2. How often should I come in for therapy?
  3. How much should I rest my injury?
  4. Are there at-home therapy exercises I can do to speed up healing?
  5. Are there any daily tasks I shouldn’t do?


By getting these five important ACL injury questions answered, you may improve your understanding of the physical therapy process for this injury. You may also increase your ability to heal and reduce the pain of your injury.

If you’re ready to find effective help for your ACL injury, Excel Sports & Physical Therapy is here to help. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.