In years past, occupational rehab was known as the treatment someone who was injured needed to get back to work. It has now become a form of therapy that everyone, whether their goal is to get back to work or not, benefits from and often needs in order to regain the ability to perform some of the simplest everyday tasks after an injury. At Excel Sports & Physical Therapy, our occupational therapists will work with you to create a treatment plan that results in your ability to complete these tasks under your own power.
Here are five important things to remember about occupational rehab.
It can help regain your memory after memory loss
Whether it is a result of a sports injury, illness or age, memory loss can happen for a variety of reasons. These conditions may require treatment plans specific to your current condition in order to generate the best results. This treatment in occupational rehab involves brain exercises and alternative ways to help improve your memory and attention. For example, if you have a hard time reading after an injury, using audio books can be extremely beneficial. Also, in order to avoid losing things, place them in an area that you frequent and can see from various vantage points in your home. Along with playing memory games and writing down information on a calendar, these tips are all simple ways occupational rehab can help you improve your health.
It gets you back to work
Nearly every job on the market requires at least some physical movement, including everything from lifting boxes to needing to constantly stay on your feet. Experiencing an injury that limits your mobility can be devastating, not only physically but mentally as well. Many people lose motivation and fall into depression because they are unable to do what they love or earn a living for themselves. When you go through occupational rehab, your therapist will work with you to improve your mobility, your memory and alertness, getting you back to the point where you’re capable of succeeding in the workforce.
It helps you regain your independence
If you need occupational rehab, chances are you have experienced a serious injury or illness that has caused you to lose your independence and rely on family and friends for help. Whether it’s driving, walking or even making your own food, all of that and everything in between can become very challenging. With occupational rehab, our therapists can work with you to regain your ability to take care of yourself as much as you can.
It can help you avoid recurring hospital visits
If you’ve recently experienced an extended stay in a hospital for an injury or illness, there can be a very high chance you may end up back there soon after. Occupational rehab helps greatly diminish those chances as it assists in the rebuilding of muscle memory and strength, along with your brain’s memory as well.
It can be done at home
Whether you’re working on your memory or your physical strength, you can do this with an occupational therapist at home. This helps avoid further injury. It also helps you regain the ability to take care of yourself as much as you can and get back to work or reach the goals you’re shooting for.
Occupational rehab can be extremely beneficial to an array of people who have experienced a variety of injuries or illnesses.
Contact Excel Sports & Physical Therapy today for questions or to schedule an initial appointment.