Four of the worst foods for people with arthritis

Worst Foods for Arthritis

Struggling with joint pain when you walk. Stiffness that makes sitting down difficult. These are just a few of the common challenges that people with arthritis face. 

Just how many people face these arthritis challenges? Researchers report that around 67 million Americans will have doctor-diagnosed arthritis by 2025. One factor that can help treat the arthritis symptoms you’re facing is the food you eat. There are four foods in particular that are some of the worst options for people with arthritis. 

These four foods can be the worst for arthritis sufferers

Scientific research shows that there are many foods that can increase your arthritis symptoms. This research reveals that four of the worst foods for people with arthritis are: 

  1. Sugar — Uric acid is one of the chemicals that can increase inflammation in your body. Studies show that eating high-sugar foods increases the level of uric acid in the body. This means eating foods like white bread, ice cream and cookies is something arthritis patients should avoid. 
  1. Fried foods — These foods are often fried in oils that are high in trans fats, which are known to cause greater inflammation. Arthritis sufferers should also avoid eating other foods high in trans fats. These foods include most canned or boxed grocery items. 
  1. High-salt foods — Salt is commonly used to preserve and enhance the taste of food. But it can also cause problems for people with arthritis. Eating too much salt causes the body to absorb more water. In turn, this causes blood vessels to expand and increases pressure in arthritic joints. High-salt foods that you should drop from your diet include processed meats and canned foods. 
  1. Processed meats — Salt isn’t the only thing in processed meats that make them a problem for arthritis patients. The processing they go through causes advanced glycation end products (AGEs) to form. These compounds tend to provoke increases in inflammation. Cutting processed meats from your diet can help reduce the level of AGEs in your body. Eating antioxidant-rich foods like berries can also help reduce AGE levels.

Go beyond cutting the worst foods for arthritis from your diet at Excel PT

Your arthritis treatment should include avoiding the worst foods for arthritis, but it should also include physical therapy. Our team at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy is ready and willing to help you reduce your arthritis symptoms. We offer free screenings intended to reveal the affects your arthritis is causing. Additionally, our physical therapists excel at building individualized therapy plans designed to decrease arthritis inflammation and pain. 

Stuck at home because of your arthritis? That’s not a problem for us! Our team offers virtual therapy and at-home care services that arthritis patients can use to get treatment from home. 

Contact our team today for more information about all our arthritis treatment services or to schedule an initial appointment.