Get moving again with physical therapy for your hip labral tear

Physical Therapy for Hip Labral Tear

A chronic feeling of unsteadiness when you’re on your feet. Pain when moving, bending or rotating your hip joint. Clicking sounds in your hip when you move. Have all these symptoms? it’s likely you have an injury called a hip labral tear. 

The hip labrum is a rim of cartilage around the outside of the hip socket. This structure helps keep the head of the femur in the hip socket, and it also helps reduce friction as the hip moves. Sports injuries, hip structure problems and chronic conditions can all lead to a hip labral tear. Researchers report that up to 55% of people with hip or groin pain have developed this injury. 

Physical therapy specialists can help you find effective treatment for a hip labral tear, and they can help you meet goals designed to help you get moving again. 

Meeting these two hip labral tear physical therapy goals can help get you moving again

Physical therapists are trained to treat problems with the human musculoskeletal system. This training makes them experts in improving your ability to move.

Your physical therapist will seek to help you reach two goals during your hip labral tear physical therapy. Achieving these goals can help improve your ability to move normally: 

  1. Reducing pain — Damage to any soft tissue tends to cause pain, and a hip labral tear is no exception. Fortunately, your physical therapist can help you find ways to decrease your pain. One therapy technique that can help them meet this goal is dry needling. 

This therapy method involves your physical therapist carefully placing very thin needles into soft tissue around the injury site. This helps create a local twitch response in the tissue. One study shows that dry needling helped patients reduce their hip pain by at least 52 points in four to eight weeks. 

  1. Improving hip function — You’ll need your hip to be functioning normally before you can move it normally. Physical therapists can help you increase the function in your injured hip. Manual therapy is one category of therapy that your physical therapist can use to help you reach this goal. 

This therapy category includes techniques where your physical therapist uses their hands to perform specific movements. These movements are intended to mobilize soft tissue or joints. A study on manual therapy shows how well it can work for hip function. This study reveals that 12 manual therapy sessions led to a 44-point improvement in hip function scores. 

Seeking hip labral tear physical therapy? You’ll find it at Excel PT!

You might not know where to turn for hip labral tear physical therapy that can help you get moving again. Excel Sports & Physical Therapy has a team of therapy specialists who offer the care you’re looking for. 

We can do a comprehensive evaluation of your hip to determine if you have a hip labral tear. Our physical therapists can then build you a personalized therapy plan designed to reduce your symptoms and improve your ability to move. Our team can even help you get therapy from home. This is possible thanks to the at-home care and virtual therapy services we offer. 

Contact our team today for more information about hip labral tear physical therapy we offer or to schedule an initial appointment.