Help! I can’t get rid of pain in my jaw and ear

pain in jaw and ear

What do smiling, chewing food and having a conversation have in common? They all involve the use of the joints in your jaw. Your jaw joints are tiny, but they play an important role in all your mouth movements. When one or more of the joints in your jaw is in pain, it can be difficult to use your mouth for these necessary actions.

Your jaw joints are located near the bottom-front part of your ear. These are known as the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). Whenever you have a condition causing pain in the TMJ or its surrounding tissue, it can often feel like the pain is also in your ear. If you’re experiencing pain in your jaw and ear that won’t go away, it may be time to visit a physical therapist for treatment. 

What to do about pain in the jaw and ear

The first step in treating pain in the jaw and ear is to rest. Stop eating chewy food and avoid lengthy conversations. Pain is a sign that there is something that needs to heal, and when you fail to rest the joint or the surrounding soft tissue, it’s difficult for it to heal. 

You may also want to apply some ice or a cold pack to the jaw. Hold a bag of ice wrapped in a cloth against your jaw for 15 minutes at a time, three times per day. This can help reduce any swelling and inflammation you may have, and it can help soothe your pain.

Resting and icing can help a little bit, but for more effective treatment, you should visit a physical therapist. Our physical therapists specialize in treatments that reduce jaw pain and help you regain the use of your jaw for daily function. Physical therapy treatments for jaw and ear pain typically include:

  • Gentle exercises
  • Join mobilization techniques
  • Soft tissue mobilization techniques
  • Posture guidance

Visit Excel Sports & Physical Therapy for jaw pain treatment

Are jaw and ear pain keeping you from enjoying your favorite meal or laughing with your friends? Our physical therapists at Excel are here to help. We can examine your jaw to pinpoint the source of your pain and develop a personalized treatment to help you recover. Contact our team today for more information about pain in your jaw and ear or to schedule an initial appointment.