How to sleep better with a stiff neck and shoulder

How to Sleep With a Stiff Neck and Shoulder

Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with neck and shoulder stiffness and pain? You should consider talking to a physical therapist about how to sleep better with a stiff neck and shoulder. 

Unfortunately, many people might be dealing with neck and shoulder issues; it’s estimated that up to 20% of people are living with neck pain at any given time. The statistics on shoulder pain are not any better: Studies show that up to 26% of people have shoulder pain at any given time. Physical therapists can offer you tips for how to sleep better with a stiff and painful neck and shoulder. They can also treat the cause of your neck pain and shoulder pain. 

Three tips on how to sleep better with a stiff neck and shoulder

Physical therapists, with their human musculoskeletal system knowledge, are able to identify which neck and shoulder structures could be causing your symptoms. It also gives them the expertise to offer tips to help you sleep better, such as: 

  1. Taking some deep breaths — Deep breathing has a reputation for helping to release stress. Doing it before bed can help relieve the stiffness and tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. Taking deep breaths before going to sleep also helps bring more oxygen into your body. More oxygen allows your body’s natural healing processes to work better while you’re sleeping. 
  1. Sleeping on your back or side — The position that you’re sleeping in could have a lot to do with your stiffness and pain. This is especially true if you sleep on your stomach. Switching to sleeping on your side or your back can help increase the support for your neck and shoulders. In turn, this can help keep the spine and joints in better alignment, which can lead to less stiffness and pain.
  1. Using pillows for more support — You may also be able to reduce stiffness and pain in your neck and shoulder with pillows. For instance, make sure that the pillow under your head is the right height to keep your neck aligned properly. Side sleepers should also think about hugging a pillow. This can help take stress off your shoulder that could be causing stiffness and pain. 

Learn more tips for how to sleep better with a stiff neck and shoulder at Excel PT

Are you looking for more advice about how to sleep better with a stiff neck and shoulder? Our physical therapists at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can offer advice, and we can do far more for your neck and shoulder, too. 

We offer free screenings that can pinpoint the root cause of your neck and shoulder problems. Also, our team is adept at building individualized therapy plans designed to reduce stiffness and pain. Furthermore, you can take advantage of our virtual therapy and at-home care services and do your therapy from your home. 

Contact our team today for more information about our treatment options for neck and shoulder issues or to schedule your initial appointment.