Industrial rehab — the basics

Industrial Rehab Basics

Industrial rehabilitation, or industrial rehab, deals with helping people who are recovering from issues such as a work injury, auto injury, sports injury or surgery regain their basic functioning so they can perform the activities of daily living. To help the recovery process, industrial rehab will focus on the skills that are needed to perform basic tasks, such as bathing, getting dressed or preparing a meal. This can often involve teaching a patient new ways to perform these skills to overcome temporary or permanent disability.

To help you learn more about this important discipline, we’ve created the following guide on the basics of rehab for work injury. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our treatment options, please feel free to get in touch with us at any time.  

How does industrial rehab help people get back to living?

To meet the primary goal of returning people to normal functioning, whether that means work, managing home and family, going to school or playing sports, an industrial rehab specialist will typically take several steps. These include:

  • Assessing the extent of the patient’s condition and their current level of function.
  • Having an in-depth discussion about the patient’s level of mental and physical wellness and what their goals are for daily life.
  • Developing strategies to accomplish these goals based on the patient’s current status and prognosis for improvement.
  • Starting a treatment plan to both improve a person’s level of functioning and carry out required daily activities.
  • Educating the patient about healthy lifestyle choices and mental health strategies that can help them improve their quality of life.

Effective industrial rehab requires patience and persistence on the part of every person involved. A critical element of this is the relationship that exists between the provider and the patient.

Experience the difference with Excel sports and physical therapy

At Excel, our expert team is wholly committed to patient-centered care and providing a personalized experience to everyone who comes to us for treatment. It is our mission to help people get back to the level of activity and quality of life they deserve.

To learn more about the full range of our treatment options and to schedule your initial appointment, please contact us today.