These five twisted ankle symptoms mean it’s time to seek professional assistance

twisted ankle symptoms

Your ankles are able to support your body weight and power your feet for everyday movements thanks to the stability of their ligaments. The ligaments in your ankles are tough bands of tissue that help keep the bones in your ankle joint connected. When one of these ligaments are overstretched or torn, you have what is known as a sprained ankle.

Sprained ankles, known by some as twisted ankles, are painful and take a long time to recover from. It’s important to receive treatment during your recovery to help manage the pain and to help the ankle recover correctly, so you can regain the use of your foot again. 

Take a moment to get to know the symptoms of a sprained ankle so you can have an idea of whether you need to seek treatment for your ankle pain. And remember, if there are any doubts, you should schedule an appointment for an examination to be sure. 

Five sprained ankle symptoms 

Sprained ankles don’t develop out of thin air. Slips, trips and falls are common causes of sprained ankles. If you’ve experienced some form of trauma to the ankle and have any of the following symptoms, you may have a sprained ankle:

  1. Pain in the ankle, especially when putting weight on your foot
  2. Instability in the ankle
  3. Limited range of motion
  4. Swelling and tenderness
  5. Bruising

Additionally, if you noticed a popping sound or sensation at the moment your pain developed, you have likely sprained your ankle. 

Visit Excel Sports & Physical Therapy for sprained ankle treatment

Do you suspect that the pain in your ankle is related to a sprain? Our physical therapists at Excel can help. We can examine your ankle to determine the source of your pain. You will receive a personalized treatment routine to help you recover from your sprain with less pain and a quicker, safer recovery. 

Our treatments often make use of methods like:

  • Gentle stretches and exercises
  • Joint mobilization
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Posture guidance
  • Assistance with using crutches or other supportive devices
  • Patient education for living with your sprain

Are you ready to start your recovery journey from a sprained ankle with the assistance of a physical therapist? Contact our team today for more information about sprained ankle treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.