Thirteen amazing facts about occupational rehab

physical therapy tips

If you’ve been injured at work, then you may have heard of occupational rehab. However, you may be putting off using this type of physical therapy because you don’t know if it can help you. Our Excel Sports and Physical Therapy team believes this therapy may help you a lot, and we offer 13 amazing facts about occupational rehab to help prove it to you.

What the 13 amazing facts about occupational rehab are

Our team knows that many of our patients in the greater St. Louis area have benefitted from occupational therapy. We can tell you there are 13 amazing facts about occupational rehab, and we’ve seen all of them in our 35 years of physical therapy experience.

The first group of facts we’ve gathered deals with the injuries occupational rehab may be able to help you treat. In our experience, this form of rehab is helpful for treating work injuries caused by:

  • Repetitive movements
  • Excessive sitting
  • Overuse
  • Lifting heavy boxes and other work-related objects
  • Getting hit by a falling object
  • Operating heavy machinery at work
  • Slips and falls in the workplace
  • Work-related vehicle accidents
  • Exposure to hazardous materials

While these facts are amazing, there is another group of facts our team finds even more amazing. This second group includes some of the benefits our patients have gotten from occupational therapy over the years. Some of these benefits include:

  • Decreasing reliance on habit-forming prescription pain medications
  • Reducing pain naturally
  • Restoring normal mobility and postural alignment
  • Helping decrease the amount of recovery time necessary for work injuries

Our Excel Sports and Physical Therapy team hopes these 13 amazing facts about occupational therapy have helped convince you this type of therapy may help you. If they have, we’re standing by to help you get the care you need. All you have to do is take one more step.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule your initial appointment.

