Top three reasons for muscle pain between shoulder blades

Muscle Pain Between Shoulder Blades

For your entire life, the shoulder blades have just been two bumps on your back. That is until you start feeling pain between them. The most likely cause of this pain is a problem with the muscles between the shoulder blades, and there are three issues in particular that commonly lead to muscle pain between the shoulder blades. 

1.  Tension

Stress is an issue that almost everyone is familiar with, but what you may not know is that stress can manifest itself physically. One way it shows up in the body is in the form of muscle tension. This type of tension is especially common in the upper back and neck, and it can easily lead to muscle pain between the shoulder blades. 

Over time, muscles in this area like the rhomboids and trapezius can develop painful knots, which are also called trigger points. These trigger points restrict the movement of these muscles, and this decreased mobility causes the muscles to send out pain signals. 

2.   Scar tissue

Another reason you could be feeling muscle pain between your shoulder blades is because of scar tissue. Areas of scar tissue are called adhesions, and they can build up in and around the muscles after an injury. Like trigger points, adhesions can restrict the movement of muscles between the shoulder blades and lead to pain. 

3.   Strains

Muscle strains are a third common reason people feel muscle pain between their shoulder blades. The rhomboid muscles, middle trapezius and lower trapezius help pull your shoulder blades back and down. One way these muscles can become strained is by using too much weight when doing certain strength training exercises. Also, lifting boxes or other objects improperly or that are too heavy can strain these muscles. Repetitive motions of the shoulder done by painters and other workers can also lead to a muscle strain between the shoulder blades. 

Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can help treat muscle pain between the shoulder blades

At Excel Sports & Physical Therapy, we have experience treating many types of back and shoulder pain. For instance, we can help people deal with issues that are causing pain between the shoulder blades. To figure out what’s causing the pain, we’ll first do a thorough screening. Then, we’ll build you a personalized therapy plan that may include treatment options like: 

Take the next step to start reducing your pain. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.