Try these two stretches to treat a herniated disc in Ellisville, MO

Herniated Disc Treatment

Herniated discs often occur in the neck and lower back. If you have a herniated disc in Ellisville, Missouri, you might be looking for treatment options that don’t involve surgery. There are several physical therapy techniques that could fit the bill. For instance, many local physical therapists recommend stretching exercises for herniated discs. Two in particular could be helpful if you have a herniated disc in your neck or lower back. 

1.   Compass stretch

Herniated neck discs and neck pain are common after car accidents. Athletes who play high-impact sports are also more likely to develop a herniated disc in the neck. Stretching exercises can help reduce the nerve irritation and other symptoms this injury can cause. A stretch your therapist might use for herniated neck discs is the compass stretch. 

How to do the compass stretch

  • Get into the starting position — The compass stretch can be done either sitting down or standing up. If you do decide to sit, pick a stable chair that doesn’t roll around. Make sure you sit or stand with good posture. 
  • Stretch in four directions — From the starting position, let your chin drop toward your chest until you feel a stretch in the back of your neck. Then, slowly move your head until you’re looking up at the ceiling. This will stretch the front of the neck. Next, return to the starting position and then lean your head to the left. Repeat this step to the right too. Your goal should be to hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat each position two or three times. 

2.   Knee to chest stretch

The lower back is another common area for herniated discs, but there are stretches that can help treat injured discs and lower back pain. One stretch that many physical therapists use for herniated lower back discs is the knee to chest stretch. 

How to perform the knee to chest stretch

  • Position yourself — The knee to chest stretch is typically done on a flat surface. At a physical therapy clinic, padded tables are usually used, but you can lie on a yoga mat on the floor or on your bed when doing this stretch at home. Make sure your head, arms and legs are all flat on the bed before starting the stretch.
  • Stretch your back — Begin the stretch by bringing your right leg up until your foot is flat on the floor or bed. Then, pull your knee backward toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. It’s a good idea to place your hands under your thigh to help hold your leg as you stretch. 
  • Repeat the stretch on both legs — You should aim to repeat the stretch three times with each leg. If you need to, rest in the starting position for a few seconds after each rep. 

Visit Excel Sports & Physical Therapy for more herniated disc treatment options

You don’t have to treat your herniated disc on your own. Our physical therapy specialists at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy in Ellisville are ready to help you. We can assess your injury with a free screening. The information we uncover in the screening will be used to build you a personalized therapy plan. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment to begin treating your herniated disc.