What commonly causes a shoulder impingement in athletes?

What Causes Shoulder Impingement

What causes shoulder impingement? Many factors may contribute to shoulder impingement. The disorder, also known as rotator cuff tendinitis, can be caused by inflammation of the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. 

When you repeatedly move your shoulder, parts of your rotator cuff may rub against the acromion, a bone in the shoulder. The acromion is a part of the shoulder blade (scapula). The rubbing in your shoulder may cause swelling, pain and irritation. A rotator cuff structure rubbing against a bone is typically the direct cause of a shoulder impingement, but there are other factors about being an athlete that can cause this shoulder issue.

What factors can help cause shoulder impingements in athletes?

  1. Muscle imbalances — Muscle imbalances occur when a muscle in an area like the shoulder is weaker than others in the same area. They can develop in some athletes, such as baseball and tennis players, who use certain shoulder muscles more than others. If some muscles are more powerful than others, they could cause the humerus to compress tendons that pass through the subacromial space.
  1. Overuse  — Overuse is another issue of what causes shoulder impingement in athletes. Overuse in sports often occurs when athletes increase their training too quickly or train year-round without breaks. It can cause injury because it tires out muscles and stresses tendons and ligaments. These structures become less flexible and, eventually, prone to tearing or inflammation without enough rest.
  1. Repetitive overhead activity — Sports such as swimming and tennis involve repetitive overhead movement. The constant motions of these activities can put stress on the rotator cuff; they can eventually lead to an impingement if you aren’t careful about resting your shoulder between games or practices.
  1. Weakness — Weak muscles can contribute to a higher risk of injury because they cannot support the load being transferred through them. Muscle weakness may reflect an underlying problem such as poor posture or muscular imbalances in your body. In turn, these underlying problems can trigger a shoulder impingement.

Find a physical therapy specialist who can help ease the pain of shoulder impingement

Have you wondered what has caused your shoulder impingement? One of our expert physical therapists at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy is ready to answer your questions. If you suffer from continual shoulder pain, we can provide a free screening to identify the cause. In addition, our therapists can develop an individualized plan of physical therapy treatment that can address your particular needs, to decrease your pain and prevent it from recurring.

Get in touch with us for help if you’re dealing with shoulder impingement pain.