What’s causing your disc to bulge in St. Louis, MO?

Bulging Disc Causes

If you’re feeling pain, tingling or numbness in your lower back or neck, then you may have a bulging disc. There are a number of issues that could be behind the bulging disc in your back, but there are three issues in particular that commonly cause bulging discs in St. Louis, Missouri. 

1.   Age-related wear and tear

Just like your tires or the soles of your shoes, parts of your body tend to wear down as you age, and age-related wear and tear is one of the most likely causes of your bulging disc. Spinal discs have a tough outer shell and contain a gel-like inner layer. One of their jobs is to provide cushioning for your spine, and another is to help maintain a precise amount of space between each vertebra. As the discs age, wear and tear can cause their outer shell to thin, and this can cause them to bulge out of shape. 

2.   Repetitive physical activities

Another issue that can cause a bulging disc is repetitive physical activities. These activities can include movements you do at work like lifting heavy objects. They can also be activities that don’t involve much movement such as sitting in a chair at your desk. Doing such activities can increase the chances of developing a bulging disc, and this is especially true when repetitive movements or activities are done with poor posture. 

3.   Impact injuries

Impacts can definitely cause things to get out of shape, as anyone who has ever hit a pillow knows. In many ways, impacts affect your spinal discs the same way a fist does a pillow. For example, a car accident can cause discs to deform and bulge. Falling down and hitting your back is another type of impact that can lead to bulging discs. People who play high-impact sports like football, rugby and hockey are also at greater risk of bulging discs. 

Need help with a bulging disc in St. Louis, MO?

Excel Sports & Physical Therapy has clinics in St. Louis that can help you treat many types of back pain, and this includes treating bulging discs. Our team will perform a one-on-one evaluation to make sure a bulging disc is indeed the issue. Then, we’ll build a personalized therapy plan for you that may include: 

Don’t spend another day waiting to begin your treatment. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment.