Why you may need physical therapy for treating sciatica pain

Sciatic Pain

Do you or have you ever suffered from pain in your lower back that spreads into the back of one or sometimes both of your legs? This is likely related to a condition known as sciatica.

Sciatica is the inflammation of the sciatica nerve in your lower back and legs due to irritation from strain and pressure. It often develops from sitting for long periods of time, but it may also be the result of physical strain or a traumatic injury.

Why you should visit a physical therapist to treat sciatica pain

Treatments for sciatica vary depending on the cause and severity of your condition. However, physical therapy plays an important role in many treatments for sciatica because: 

  • Physical therapists help reduce pain — One of your primary concerns when dealing with sciatica is likely the pain. Pain from sciatica can affect your ability to stand up from a chair, walk, run and perform other daily activities that should be simple.

    Physical therapy treatments help improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles in your lower back, abdomen and legs to help improve support for the lower back and reduce irritation that leads to sciatica.

  • Physical therapists can help prevent sciatica — After helping you reduce your sciatica pain, physical therapists can help you prevent it from developing again. This may include other exercises and stretches you can include in your daily routine. It can also include posture guidance to help you stand, sit and sleep in positions that are not stressful on your lower back.
  • Physical therapy reduces the need for drugs and surgery — Medications often include unwanted side effects that can affect your daily life. Surgery is invasive, painful and comes with a lot of risks. Physical therapy can help you treat sciatica without having to resort to these other methods of treatment and their consequences. 

Visit Excel Sports & Physical Therapy for sciatica treatment

Are you tired of suffering from sciatic nerve pain that keeps you from living a fuller quality of life? It may be time to talk to a physical therapist at Excel Sports & Physical Therapy about your treatment options. Contact our team today for more information about sciatica or to schedule an initial appointment.