Why you should forget everything you’ve heard about occupational rehab

Occupational Rehab

Every year, thousands of workers are injured on the job. There are a lot of ways to get hurt at work, but most of them are accidents like slipping, tripping and falling from heights.

The best way to avoid a workplace injury is to limit your exposure to hazardous situations. Follow proper safety protocols and always be alert of your surroundings. Pick up objects properly and take frequent breaks to avoid strain.

Although you may take measures to prevent injuries, accidents still happen. If you’re the recipient of a workplace injury, then you need to be proactive in treatment to experience a good recovery. One of the best ways to do this is with occupational rehabilitation.

Clearing up misconceptions about occupational rehab

Some people have misleading ideas about occupational rehab that prevents them from seeking the treatments they need. This is unfortunate because occupational rehab has many benefits for injured workers.

Here are a few misconceptions about occupational rehab that can lead to more harm than good:

1. Occupational rehab is for the weak A lot of workers in many industries must be tough to get their jobs done. This can be a problem when you’re injured because you might be tempted to “tough it out.” Refusing to acknowledge the severity of your injury and not getting treatment can result in prolongment of the injury and other problems, such as permanent disability.

Seeing an occupational therapist does not mean you’re not tough or strong. It can help you stay tough and strong so you can more quickly get back to your life and your job.

2. Occupational rehab doesn’t make much of a difference If you’re already injured, what difference does it make whether you have rehab or not while you recover? Well, it turns out that occupational rehab makes a big difference.

Occupational therapists are skilled in identifying the exact areas that need support and improvement. They can develop a treatment with exercises, stretches and other techniques to help reduce pain and improve your recovery time. Occupational therapists can also help you prevent future injuries of a similar nature.

3. Occupational rehab takes too long While it’s true that people with severe injuries may require a longer treatment period, occupational rehab varies from person to person. People who are healthy and fit may have shorter recovery times than someone less fit with the same injury.

Individual goals also factor into the length of your rehabilitation. Your occupational therapist will be able to find a treatment that works for you in a timely manner.

Contact Excel Sports and Physical Therapy for occupational rehab

Would you like to learn more about occupational rehabilitation? Our physical therapists at Excel Sports and Physical Therapy can help you get the information and services you need. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.