Nintendo Switch Finger Pain

3 PT methods that can help cut finger pain from playing Nintendo Switch

April 9th, 2022

After a long day of work, sitting down and turning on a video game is a great way to unwind. If you’re not careful, however, you may glance at the clock and realize that you’ve been playing for hours! While the latest Nintendo Switch release may be hard to put down, playing for too long

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Injured Spouse

3 reasons you should urge your injured spouse to go to PT

March 21st, 2022

If your spouse is injured, you might be their most prominent advocate. You may be the one going with them to their doctor’s appointments, asking questions and taking notes. But what happens when the doctor says that surgery isn’t needed, but physical therapy is? If you have a spouse who has recently suffered an injury,

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Foot and Ankle Pain After Back Surgery

Why you might be feeling foot and ankle pain after back surgery

March 11th, 2022

The cause of foot and ankle pain after back surgery may be the irritation of a nerve. Back surgery can compress or irritate a nerve in the lower spine. Unfortunately, nerves going to the leg run down the spine and exit between the vertebrae, and they are very close to the area where some types

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