Workers' Compensation Insurance Certificate

Does your business need a workers’ compensation insurance certificate to send injured workers to PT?

March 7th, 2022

Depending on your business state, you may need a workers’ compensation insurance certificate to send injured workers to physical therapy. You will have to research your state’s workers’ compensation laws to know for sure. What is a workers’ compensation insurance certificate? A workers’ compensation insurance certificate proves that you have workers’ comp. Though most people

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Hurt on the Job

6 tips to avoid getting hurt on the job

February 18th, 2022

When you think of the phrase “hurt on the job,” you probably think of injuries in construction, agriculture, and other high-risk industries where workers deal with heavy machinery and lifting heavy objects.  The truth is that accidents can happen in any workplace, no matter how safe the environment may seem on the surface. If you

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Can a Pinched Nerve Cause Headaches

Can a pinched nerve be the cause of my recurring headaches?

February 14th, 2022

Can a pinched nerve cause headaches? Pinched nerves can cause muscle spasms, headaches and other symptoms in the neck. The headaches they cause are known as cervicogenic headaches. A pinched nerve may resolve itself naturally. In some instances, however, they can be debilitating. It may interest you to learn more about pinched nerves in your

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