Health Blog

Pain When Sitting

What can physical therapy do to reduce pain when sitting?

January 1st, 2021

Sitting is an activity that most people do on a daily basis, but there are many issues that can lead to pain when sitting.  On average, American adults sit for about 6.5 hours every day, and teenagers are even worse with an eight-hour-per-day average. Poor sitting posture and poor workplace ergonomics are two issues that

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Stabbing Pain in Foot Side

Why do I have a stabbing pain in the side of my foot?

December 16th, 2020

There are far more answers to this question than most people realize, and it would be overwhelming to go through all the possibilities on your own. One medical professional who can help you figure out why you have a stabbing pain in the side of your foot is a physical therapist.  Pain in the side

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Workplace Injury

Why you need physical therapy after a workplace injury

December 15th, 2020

Climbing a ladder on a construction project. Typing all those emails and reports. Lifting a heavy box of files. The workplace is riddled with activities that can lead to injuries.  The reality is that people will injure themselves at work no matter how hard employers work to prevent injuries. the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals

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