Be Fit Physical Therapy

Three ways annual PT exams can help you be more physically fit

November 2nd, 2021

Most people are on the lookout for ways to be more physically fit, but few people have considered that one way to meet this goal is to have an annual physical therapy exam. Fortunately, there are many steps a physical therapist can take during an annual exam to help you be more physically fit.  What

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Physical Therapy Rotator Cuff Surgery

When should I start physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery?

November 1st, 2021

The answer to the question, “When should I start physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery?” is slightly different for every patient. However, many patients begin their post-surgical physical therapy about seven to 10 days after surgery. As for what is involved in physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery, there are three basic stages that you’re

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Auto Accident Injury Clinic

Two reasons to turn to a physical therapy clinic for help treating an auto accident injury

October 18th, 2021

When two vehicles collide, the force of impact can cause serious injuries. The body can absorb an overwhelming amount of force during an auto accident, which can cause long-lasting symptoms. However, it’s important to realize that some conditions, like whiplash, may not appear until days after the accident happened. Auto accidents can cause serious injuries

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