Health Blog

front of ankle pain

Front of ankle pain: Know the causes

December 5th, 2023

The human body is a complicated machine of bones, muscles and nerves. Like any piece of machinery, the body is not immune from breakdowns. One such breakdown can leave you limping and wincing in pain. Do you have a sharp or throbbing pain that makes every step painful? Front of ankle pain can make movement

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How long will I have pain after rotator cuff surgery?

November 20th, 2023

If you plan to go under the knife to repair a rotator cuff injury, you’re likely wondering how long your pain will last immediately following the surgery. Generally speaking, most patients experience shoulder pain or discomfort for at least four to nine months after their rotator cuff surgery. The pain is most significant in the

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3 top issues that cause ankle pain when you’re flexing your foot up

November 13th, 2023

Has a recurring pain in your ankle been a source of frequent discomfort for you? Does this ankle pain flare up when you flex your foot? It could be a number of ankle conditions, including ankle sprain, stress fracture and nerve compression. Anywhere from 9% to 15% of adults in the U.S. experience ankle pain.

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